R&D funding
Client’s need
Technological and product development – is an important time consuming process that competitive advantage is based on. Due to high risks, technological and product developments are financially supported by Estonian government and the EU. Technological and product development skills are changeable in many companies, or the creation of the related work place is expedient. For the creation of necessary skills there is a need to work out the product development plan.
Essence of the technological/product development
Some of the most important parts of technological/product development
- potential clients’ characteristics;
- basic competitive advantages of the product/technology;
- existing and planned opportunities;
- strategic choices;
Value for client
Based on the product/technological development plan the company may:
- make a strategic decision concerning the features of the new product;
- determine the objectives of the product development;
- achieve the competitive advantage based on the technological benefits;
- draw up a technological development plan.
- We will help organize necessary activities, from the search of idea till the evaluation, choice and implementation of the idea;
- We also have an experience in working with scientific organizations and patent bureaus, which allows finding appropriate partners for the realization of the idea.
Experience in the following areas
- Biotechnology
- Information technology
- Shipbuilding
- Energy technology